Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A month until departure

My flight for Dublin leaves in about a month. Which means that today, while I sit and type this in my empty bedroom that is now in storage, the only remains being a few holes in the wall and dust bunnies in the corner, a month from now I will be unpacking in my new home for the summer.

Today is sort of a weird day. I am a senior and most of my friends are graduating. For them, today is about moving on. Growing up. Celebrating 4 or 5 years of their life, the memories they made, and getting ready to step, finally, into the real REAL world. And I can’t quite relate because my weekend consisted of moving into a storage facility, packing up my mom’s SUV, and driving to Neenah where I will sit for the next month because I have no job and nothing interesting to do before I pack and head to a new country for 2 months.

I feel spoiled, in a way. Since I have another year of school left, I don’t have the same job worries as some of my friends. And, instead of making money waitressing to pay for rent next year, my daily schedule consists of hanging out. And then spending a lot more money on taking classes in Dublin….arriving back in the states just in time for the annual dreaded move in/out weekend in Madison.

But I am extremely excited to leave for Ireland. And I am so happy that back in December when I was deciding what I would do for the summer that I seriously considered studying abroad. I have never been out of the United States (other than Mexico), but traveling overseas has always been a dream of mine.

I don’t really feel like I’m leaving in a month yet; mainly because I’ve spent the morning unpacking everything I just packed, and right now I’m in “getting settled” mode. But I’m back at home with my parents and I know that by the end of the week after I’ve had some relax and unwind time, I’ll be bored silly and begin to think more seriously about Ireland.

I know these next 5 weeks are going to FLY by and before I know it, I’ll be driving to Chicago to board my flight. Which means I’ll have plenty more to write about in mid-June. For now? I’m going to enjoy finishing my 8th semester at Madison and just be lazy for a while.

Until next time,


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